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Sexual harassament at work

We support victims of sexual harassment in the workplace - including initial legal counseling and follow-up counseling with an employment lawyer.

Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the workplace is still a very frequent occurrence. What can employers do to combat it and how are they required to respond?

Frauenhorizonte – Gegen sexuelle Gewalt e.V.

Basler Straße 8, 79100 Freiburg
Phone: (0761) 2 85 85 85

Spendenkonto und Bußgelder:

IBAN: DE04680501010002044442
Sparkasse Freiburg

opening hours

Monday to Thursday:  09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00
Appointments by arrangement
24-hour emergency call
barrier-free rooms possible

Mobile Teams:


"Haus zum Engel", Diakonie

Karl-Friedrich-Straße 20, 79312 Emmendingen  


Hauptstraße 14, 79822 Titisee Neustadt

Appointment via main office in Freiburg

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