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Sie hätte nie gedacht, dass es sie trifft.
Wir tun alles, damit es sie wieder loslässt.
She never thought it would happen to her.
We are doing everything we can to help her let it go.


Specialized counseling center against sexual violence

Frauenhorizonte supports women and adolescent girls who have experienced rape or attempted rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment or other forms of sexual violence in adulthood or as young women - regardless of whether the crime has just happened or happened some time ago. Our services are aimed at all affected women and girls, regardless of origin, lifestyle or disability, as well as their relatives, friends and professionals.




(upon request)



emergency hotline

0761 2 85 85 85
In acute cases, we are available around the clock for immediate help after a sexual assault. For counseling and stabilization or for accompaniment to examinations at the University Women’s Clinic or to the police.


We support and counsel women and girls who have experienced sexual harassment, assault and rape or feel threatened by it.

We counsel and support victims of sexual harassment. We train and educate managers, specialists and trainees. We support companies and organizations in developing action plans.

Our female counselors support women and girls through online counseling as well.

Our traveling exhibition
(K)EIN RAUM on tour


We inform professionals about the background and effects of sexual violence and sensitize them to the needs of those affected by it. Target groups are e.g. police officers, students, lawyers, teachers or doctors.

We are at two locations
with our mobile teams:
Emmendingen and Titisee-Neustadt

We advise organizations and support the process of implementing a protection concept and establishing structures.


We support the creation of guidelines and procedures and train trusted individuals and contact persons.

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
We can’t wait to be superfluous.
Support us until we are.

Frauenhorizonte – Gegen sexuelle Gewalt e.V.

Basler Straße 8, 79100 Freiburg
Phone: (0761) 2 85 85 85


Spendenkonto und Bußgelder:

IBAN: DE04680501010002044442
Sparkasse Freiburg

opening hours

Monday to Thursday:  09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00
Appointments by arrangement
24-hour emergency call
barrier-free rooms possible

Mobile Teams:


"Haus zum Engel", Diakonie

Karl-Friedrich-Straße 20, 79312 Emmendingen  


Hauptstraße 14, 79822 Titisee Neustadt


Appointment via main office in Freiburg

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